Our efforts
Bachpan bachao CampaigN
"Jan Jan Di Eh Awaaz
Bal Shoshan Mukt Punjab""
"Bachpan Bachao Campaign was started by Simranjit Kaur Gill officially on 06/11/2019 from Government Primary School Sector 70 Mohali, under the banner of Fight For Right NGO with support of Youth of Punjab NGO'.
She was authorized by the Department of School Education, Punjab, for spreading awareness regarding child abuse in primary schools, and thereafter in all schools of Punjab since April 1, 2019.
Simranjit Kaur Gill is the President of FIGHT FOR RIGHT and this Campaign is her lifeline, she is a child abuse survivor , and she aims to protect Children from child abuse to build paradise on earth by eradicating all sort of Child abuses.
Under the tagline of this campaign we provide free legal aid, counselling and rehabilitation to protect them from PTSD and other forms of psychological disorders. We aim to protect them, encourage them and make them warriors not victims by enhancing their talent overcoming the worse memories of the abuses they suffer.
We want them to share their survival stories to protect and motivate other victims by casting the sense of being victimized into a sense of being a warrior.
Child abuse
(The only reason why child abuse is alive today, is because we as adults fail our children, when we fail to listen to them.)
Child abuse is a heinous and personal damaging crime thus the importance of protection of child rights is internationally accepted and member nations of UN signed the declaration of the CHILD RIGHTS in 1959 and many conventions after this. As per the UNDCR- every child shall enjoy all the rights, special protection, social security, name and nationality, free and compulsory education, guidance, opportunities, emotional support, love, care, and protection, and relief on priority bases irrespective of gender, race, color, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social or origin, property, birth or other status, whether of himself or of his family. it is specifically mentioned in the PRINCIPLE 5 of the UNDCR that "the child who is physically, mentally, or socially handicapped shall be given the special treatment, education, and care required by his/her particular condition". Whereas PRINCIPLE 9 of the UNDCR state that " child shall be protected against all forms of neglect, cruelty, and exploitation. he/she shall not be the subject of traffic in any form. the child shall not be admitted to employment before an appropriate minimum age".
Thus we the team fight for right are aimed and committed to protect children from all sort of abuses through the "BACHPAN BACHAO CAMPAIGN"_ SAVE CHILDHOOD CAMPAIGN'
awareness campaign
("every human has four endowments - self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. these give us the ultimate human freedom...)
-Stephen Covey
Spreading awareness is the prime objective of Fight For Right and moreover to build a better society, awareness is the prominent key to open the lock of AMELIORATION. An awareness campaign is not only cardinal but also a part of a wide strategy designed to animate public to take legal action because it brings head to an issue. Thus we, team Fight For Right conducts awareness campaign to encourage people to take right actions in right directions to make our society a promised land. We conduct seminars in schools, colleges, villages , towns-everywhere, where we could reach out the people in large to aware and empower them legally, socially, politically and ethically.
free legal Aid to poor victims
(Legal aid is central to righting wrongs and ratifying injustice- Sadiq Aman Khan".)
Article 39A Constitution of India provides that state shall secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity, and shall in particular, provides free legal aid, by suitable legislation or schemes or any other way, to ensure that opportunity for securing justice.
Therefore to enable justice to needy poor victims under the Fight For Right we have panel of goo Advocates. Where we to provide authentic legal service and as we are Fight For Right-the voice of unheard victim welfare society we provides free legal to child victims in the cases of child abuse (not applicable in the cases of Civil/Property in the nature as Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act,1956, The Hindu Minority And Guardianship Act, 1956 and The Hindu Succession act ,1956 etc) And poor unheard victim who have BELOW POVERTY LINE CARD (BPL card or any authentic evidence is mandatory but we deal only Criminal cases not civil and property cases under Fight For Right) and senior citizen and transgender.
Psychological counselling
("Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone")
Psychological counselling help people in improving their physical, emotional and mental Issues and their well-being, alleviate feelings of distress. the sense or feeling of being victim can lead feeling of guilt that can create problem in family, homesickness ,loneliness ,loss of motivation, pain, can spoil eating habits and we can say can change or spoil whole life of a person therefore counselling is very important to solve these problem of person who are facing a trauma, going through a mental problems such as depression, anxiety. Counselling may help them to rediscover their purpose & meaning of life by teaching them to regulate their emotion in a better way. If the victim is a child, his/her mind may play major role in his/her academic success, his/her mental balance is required in every situation, when child cannot cope up with the situations, he/she losses his mental health then only counselling can help that child victim in rehabilitations.
Thus we understand the psychological conditions of victims whether they are minor or major, both need same love and affection but in a different forms.
When a child is suffering from sense of being victim, a guilt or a self blaming feeling that child need proper psychological treatment apart from counselling and we are committed to protect child victim from such trauma. We are aimed to CAST WORRIERS FROM VICTIMS.
Get involved where it matters
Connect with us and make a real difference to the life of those in need.
Get Involved
Your generosity makes our work possible. Whether you contribute financially as a donor or physically as a volunteer or even legally as an advocate of unheard victims. We got one life and lets do something for needy to feed our soul.
Learn more about our causes
Before getting involved, you must acquaint yourself with the aim and objectives of the Fight For Right. We are determined to Protect unheard victims by providing them free legal aid and to build a paradise on earth by casting Child victims into warriors.
fight for right -fight for what is right
Lets leave our comfort behind and stand against what our conscience says NO TO.
Stand with people who cannot stand for themselves.
Stand for creating an ideal society,
Stand for WHAT IS RIGHT.
what exactly we do?
1. We make public aware about their legal, political, social and economic rights and benefits.
2. We provide free legal aid to people below poverty line, rape victims, Child victims and poor senior citizens. Also, aware public about Free Legal Aid Authority of India.
3. We provide free legal aid to children to protect their fundamental rights against all sort of abuses.
4. We provide rehabilitation to child abuse victims, by adopting them financially.
5. We provide counselling to child victims to eradicate the fears of such victimizations.
6. We fight for eradication of gender discrimination and fight for rights of human irrespective of them being a Man, Woman and Transgenders.
7. We work for employment generation for poor and needy students.
8. We aim at changing social attitude with participation and involvement of people irrespective of their gender in issues related to society in whole.
9. We aim at strengthening system of our country to eliminate all form of discrimination against women, transgender and LGBT community.
We are here to help!
The real unheard victims who are unable to protect themselves from the cruelty of society.

Founder Simranjit Kaur Gill with our daughter Avneet Kaur.
Our latest activity
Recently we stopped child marriages of few girls aged of 13 to 17 years , and pursuing matters related to child rights on regular bases.
In a POCSO case accused is sentenced for 20 years , an in another case victim is assisted for award of compensation and further case is pursued. Other such matters are pursued in various courts by different team members
In addition to that we started a new program named “Free Education for Everyone” and as a pilot project we hired two very qualified and needy girls brought up at orphanage as part time tutors . One object of this campaign is to support the needy adults who want to come out of child care institutions and other and important is to educate the kids who are not going to schools or are here on temporary resident basis.This initiative is for everyone irrespective of any age and gender. This pilot project can be considered a success as both the girls are taking up classes for more than 20+ students each at two different places regularly.
Our prime focus is to eradicate all form of child abuse and injustice. Walking in this direction we often receive texts/emails/phone calls for help from victims who are either sexually assaulted, physically or economically abused by someone, or victim of child marriage. in such cases we verify the case on merits and then make strategic move to solve that issue.